"24/7 customer service ensures your equipment is up and running."
Vending Equipment
Vending Machines Boston
At American Food & Vending, our vending equipment is so state-of-the-art but easy to use that our clients frequently comment on it. You'd swear there was someone sitting inside them making sure everything is working at optimal levels for every purchase selected.

We have the most reliable and energy-efficient vending technology in existence. Our machines track product sales wirelessly from our warehouse so we can respond to low supplies before they run out. The result: no more frustration as you stand before a vending machine trying to decide on a secondary selection.
And our route drivers and service techs ensure that routine maintenance is performed so the machines always look great, work well, and continue to satisfy every craving.

Cold items stay cold; hot items, hot. Vending machines that dispense health fare are prominently labeled so interested parties can spot them easily from a distance. Delivery, service and maintenance of our machines is free, free, and free and all accept $1's, $5's, and $10's.
Of Note: Our vending machines have a Health Control temperature setting. Foods contained within are carefully monitored to ensure they remain at safe temperatures to guarantee the safety of every selection.

When can we install your new vending equipment and prove our commitment to your complete satisfaction and delight?
Always happy to offer free, no obligation consultations. Call today us today at (800) 553.2222 or email us at info@americanfoodvending.com.

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